Prime 1 Studio Guts 1/3 Scale Berserk Statue Unboxing & Review
Prime 1 Studio’s 1/3 scale Guts statue really embodies his unwavering spirit and strong presence and does one of my all-time favorite characters justice!
Prime 1 Studio’s 1/3 scale Guts statue really embodies his unwavering spirit and strong presence and does one of my all-time favorite characters justice!
Despite the breakages I had, I still can’t believe how incredible this statue looks and how much of a statement it makes. Check out the full unboxing and review!
Prime 1 Studio’s latest Berserk statue features a 20-inch diorama environment that shows Guts clashing with Zodd!
Figurama’s first ever Figurama Festival kicked off with the reveal of the painted prototype of their upcoming statue of Killy from Tsutomu Nihei’s Blame!
Here’s my review of one of my favorite statues, Clouds Studio Kakuzu along with a with a video showcase!
Prime 1 Studio’s Guts Berserker Armor Rage Edition and Berserker Armor Unleash Edition statues are available for preorder!
Bandai revived the Akira Project BM! Kaneda’s Bike figure 11 years after its release and Medicom are re-releasing the figure of Shotaro Kaneda to go with it.
Here are my top 5 Bleach statues that have been released or announced so far!
If I were to recommend one Hidan statue, it would be Clouds Studio’s. Check out the full review and gallery!
As it currently stands, ModuCase has the best display cases available. Read the full review!